Hall Of Champions Plates

Hall of Champions Plates are plates that go on the side of your trophy to add the history of your league's winners. The Hall of Champions plate can be added to any trophy that has a base that will accommodate the extra plate.
We create a file for each trophy and hold your information so that you can update the trophy every year with your new winner's information for the same $10 each year. When you have a new winner, you just come back to this web site and select the "Hall of Champions Re-order" item, input your league ID which will be found on the bottom of the trophy, and then give us your new winners information. We make the new plate and send it out, you remove the old plate and stick the new one on, it comes with the adhesive tape on the plate so the whole process takes about 2 minutes.
number of years that can go on a Hall of Champions Plate is determined
by the amount of information you want for each winner. As a general
rule, we can get 6-7 lines on each standard size plate. If you only want
the year and coach's name or team name we can make 2 columns on each plate, and get up
to 14 years on each plate.
Most trophies will have room for 3 HOC plates. See examples below
Most trophies will have room for 3 HOC plates. See examples below